
#1 Daniel
#2 Angeline
#3 Cheryl
#4 Benjamin
#5 Royston
#6 Charmaine
#7 Carrissa
#8 Gabriel
#9 Dianxiang
#10 Rebecca
#11 Melissa
#12 Claire
#13 Grace
#14 Clarina
#15 Ian
#16 Jaslyn
#17 Jasmine
#18 Jason
#19 Joshua
#20 Adeline
#21 Shufen
#22 Jiahui
#23 JessicaL
#24 Sohleng
#25 Sojeong
#26 Nathaniel
#27 Guoguang
#28 Nicole
#29 Xingjie
#30 Keziah
#31 Ronathan
#32 JessicaS
#33 Vanessa
#34 Shinying
#35 Pearlie
#36 Junjie
#37 Weiqi
#38 Trina
#39 Winona
#40 Kaisiang
#41 Kimli


Zhonghua Chorale



dont like please say :D


February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Alright, things are kind of dead around here.
So i'm here to liven things up.(if there is such a word)

Good luck to everybody for mid-years =D
study hard, and prove to miss ong that we're not dumb.

For now, let's just put the CIP and Class Tee aside 1st.
We have 2 weeks to do CIP after exams.
Class Tee can be settled during June Holidays.

and... this blog needs more publicity
cause if only minority of the class view this
then theres no purpose of a blog
information being announced on this blog won't get through to everyone also
so i urge everyone to publicise www.3express3.blogspot.com

okay thats all everybody, stay happy
guo guang

3e3'2007 rocks (:

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Alright guys, heres the latest mail from Yukina:

Hi Guo Guang,

Thank you for your email. My team and I are currently working on the opening ceremony as well. The opening ceremony would most likely be scheduled on the 18th May or the 25th May. I believe your exams would have ended by then. I certainly hope that all of you can set aside these dates for the opening ceremony.

There are some changes made to the opening ceremony:
1) Instead of having a small scale opening ceremony, it will be a relatively large scaled one. The MP and the Mayor will be present during the opening ceremony.
2) For the food, more funds have been set aside and we will be helping you guys to order it. So no worries about that.
3)If possible, it would be good if all of you can come up with a 10 minutes performance for the guests and the MP. Please do ensure that the performance is something that the elderly can understand and that you guys rehearse before that (since the MP will be present)

This should be all for now. Do get back to me on the dates that all of you will be available. Meanwhile, all the best for your exams


Okay class, the email is clear and concise,
basically we have two things on hand.
1)To create a 10 minutes performance. (Includes more rehearsals and stuff)
2) Decide on a date when we can meet up and discuss.
Guess we don't have to worry about the money part ^^

thats all from me,
guo guang

3e3'2007 rocks (:

Friday, April 20, 2007

hello. cheryl here i came to EXPRESS some of my ideas hehe..

okay for the old folks thingy,

-dance------------- trina suggested to do some very retro dance for the oldies instead of always doing hip hop.eg. banana rama and do the hustle.

-games?-----------some can be held in the centre some at the badminton court outside the centre...

- lucky draw and prizes?---------- give them rice, toothbrush, canned food, oatmeal, milo, crackers? oh and maybe bowel removing tea? ol folks sometimes have problem doing their business...>.<

basically simple chicken feat games la

1. throw beanbags into hulla hoops
2.throw pingpong balls into egg cartons
3.obstacle course? is it too physically demanding?like a student pair up with an old folk and maybe like push him here and there thru some stations...<>
4.bowling- those plastic pins and balls that lil children play with... i can provide.
5. memory game?- put large pics of some drawings on the wall and see if they can match the 2 cards

ya basically thats about it... tata!

3e3'2007 rocks (:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

alright guys, heres a continued post.

Winona has kindly volunteered to take on the job to work on the class tee, anybody interested can aproach her to join your minds for the design.

No one has volunteered to do the service learning dance item. Well, the opening ceremony date is on 18th May. So if someone can be kind enough to choreograph a simple dance, it would be really great.

About the newspaper, those with cars, can bring some newspapers from home? It would definitely contribute considerably and we might stand a chance to win whatever-we-will-win-if-we-win if you did so. So, please do consider bringing.

I think that's all for now.
And please forward to the others who don't bother to read this blog.

as always,

3e3'2007 rocks (:

Monday, April 16, 2007

hey 3e3, heres 2 requests i want to make.

1stly, can some of you guys please design a class tee.
the anxiety and hope for the class tee is humongous, and a few art students can do really a great help.
this is not to say lit students suck at designing or anything, but please do help in the design of the tee.
we want everybody to agree on a design. so... thanks a bunch.

is about the service learning project,
the current plan is to have a tea party+ buffet+ they sing themselves.
so i was thinking that this would be rather boring, so could some of you guys come up with a simple dance that old people can follow?
i know choreography can be a chore and its nearing the exam period, but the thing is may 18, so if anyone can make a simple dance, i'll be eternally grateful. as in the old folks will.
well, i'm making this plea only because we don't wanna lose out to ang mo kio, who will be competing with us to see whose proposal is better. so.. yeah. if not the $82 will be mine to keep

that's all for now,
i'll update on the class fund as soon as i get the time to.
guo guang.

and just to add on, tomorrow is monday. as in erm 2 hrs later, those who can bring newspaper throughout the weak please bring. there's the paper recycling competition. lets make at least 3 piles. haha alrites. i'm off.

3e3'2007 rocks (:

Sunday, April 1, 2007

heres a blank sample of class-tee design

copy to desktop, then draw.(if not just draw on something lols)
we'll have a poll, then see which is most popular.
free poll provided by www.pollcodes.com
Hot or not?
pollcode.com free polls

thats all for now,

guo guang

3e3'2007 rocks (: